Hi – we like to think that we are a very welcoming and friendly group of people, and we’d love to see you if you’d like to visit us.
What to expect…
- Sunday Mornings – 10:30am
- Renew Wellbeing – Wednesdays 9:30 – 12:30
- Sunflowers Toddler Group – Fridays 9:30am (Term Time)
- CAP Money Course (see page for details)
Hybrid Church
Having spent lockdown meeting on Zoom, it’s been wonderful to get back into the building and meet together. Being able to be in the same room to worship, pray and share together is something we appreciate all the more for not having it for so long. However, we understand that not everyone will be able to join us in person, or feel safe doing so, so we also share our meetings over Zoom. Remote attendees are able to see, hear and participate in the meeting. Please contact Andy Jarvis for a joining link if you wish to join us in this way.